Thursday, January 1, 2015

True Heroes of Our Time

We live in a day where the media decides what our opinions should be. We live in a time where the minority has the loudest voice, and those who should speak up fall silent. Religion is failing. Politics are full of selfish and prideful men. Society sneers at and belittles intelligence and courage. Vulnerability and connection are weaknesses. All that used to be revered is condemned. And good men are now seen as evil. Men and women whom I respect and esteem are being vilainized and attacked. So in a day of such turmoil and upheaval, I find it helpful to go back to the basics. I am going back to the absolute basic definitions of words that Americans seem to have forgotten.

Hero (heer-oh) noun
     1. A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
     2. A person who defends truth and justice.

Hero. Such a simple word. A word that every little boy and girl knows. My son changes what super hero he is on a daily basis. It seems to me, that the word should be able to be kept straight in our heads, but I look around today and the true definition is lost. Americans today have lost the true meaning and idolize the wrong type of people. We glorify pop singers and entertainers. We revolve entire days around sports figures and the games they play. We stand in awe of people who "stand for their beliefs" by rioting ,hurting, and threatening the innocent. When I tell my son that he is my hero, I can promise you I am not picturing any of the people I just described. Let me tell you who I am picturing. I am picturing a person who is selfless and kind. I am thinking of a person who defends what is right. I am picturing a brave person in a storm. A person who puts others above himself. A person who defends all that is right when all others have lost sight of what that means. This is a hero to me. This is what should be admired. This also brings me to my next definition.

Police (puh-lees) verb
     1. to control by making sure that rules and regulations are followed
Police (puh-lees) noun
     1. The internal organization or regulation of a political unit trough exercise of governmental powers especially with respect to general comfort, health, morals, safety, or prosperity.
     2. Control and regulation of affairs affecting the general order and welfare of any unit or area
     3. The system of laws for affecting such control.

Police. We see these "men and women in blue" every single day of our lives. We see them in our neighborhoods, our streets, our highways, and our businesses. For the majority of the United States, these people in uniform bring a sense of comfort. Yes, when you know you were speeding and you see those lights, you are not too happy. However, in the same moment, you know it was your actions that brought that unhappiness. These men and women are simply doing their job. They are upholding the law they swore to protect. They are putting themselves in potential danger with every human interaction they have. They run towards danger (Have we so quickly forgotten 9-11, the recent school shootings, or natural disasters??). They respond to cries for help when all others would run in fear.  They are brave. They are admirable. I am in vet school. I have been a vet tech for years. As much as I loved my job, I can honestly say that if I was risking my safety (and therefore the safety of my family's future) every time I met with a client, I would NEVER have kept my job. God has placed a special kindness, humility, and selflessness in these men and women's hearts. They wake up every day, kiss their loved ones good-bye, knowing it could be their last. Each and every word to their family is precious. Each and every look to them is historical. Each and every moment of their lives is inspiring.

As I watch the news today, I see something I simply don't understand. I see something that is foreign and disgusting to all I hold as real and true. I see people who hate these heroes. I see a nation who was founded by men and women of bravery, sacrifice an entire"race" of selfless beings. I see a country, that I used to hold with such love and respect, riot, threaten, and hunt down the innocent.

There comes a point in most "action" movies that the hero is seen as evil in the eyes of the people they are fighting to protect. I have always thought these story lines were unrealistic. How could people sneer at those who were sacrificing their lives for them? Then I turn on my TV and see images like this:

This is the time we live in. This is what the "greatest country in the world" has become. I am heart broken, and I am ashamed.

So here is what I have to say to all those who protect my every day life:

You are today's true, every day heroes.
You make my American dream a reality.
You deserve all the respect this nation has.
I am sorry for what this country has done to your brothers and sisters in uniform.
There are still people who see, love, and admire you.
My son and hundreds of little boys and girls still want to be you.
Your sacrifice is not in vain.
I will forever stand with you and behind you and your families.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

(Thank you for sacrificing this)
(To give me this.)