Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tired Guilty Mom

Tonight I drove away from my son again... something that has become a familiar thing in my life. I have been away from him for three weeks and am leaving him for another week. I have been working at my externships for my 4th year of vet school, learning lessons that are invaluable. Lessons that I will use the rest of my career. My externships have been amazing.... my heart has never been more fulfilled yet more tired and guilty in my life. I want to take a moment to talk to the moms out there dealing with this guilt. I want to talk to the working moms. I want to take a minute to set down our to do lists, take a deep breath, and take off the mantle of guilt we have put on ourselves.

I realize that many of you will be reading this while trying to enjoy your two quiet minutes in the bathroom alone, while sitting at a stop light running your errands, or while trying to nurse a baby. It's so rare that you actually have a minute to read something that isn't about princesses, pirates, dinosaurs, or how you should be measuring up to the mother next door to you. I get it! Here is an example of my day to day schedule:

- 5:00AM: wake up 
- 5:00-6:00: take a shower, do hair, do makeup, sip on coffee, get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush teeth
- 6:00: wake up Kody
- 6:00-6:30: feed Kody, get him dressed, tell him I love him and leave him with the nanny who takes him to school
- 6:45: get to school
- 6:45-8:00: do all morning treatments, make treatment plans for the day
- 8:00-6:30: work through the day (sometimes cry) and learn all I can then race home to Kody (who is already home because the nanny picked him up)
- 6:45-8:00: feed Kody dinner, help him with homework, give him a bath, read a book , and get him in bed
- 8:00-8:30: feed myself dinner, scan facebook, and take a breath
- 8:30-11:00: study for NAVLE, research cases for tomorrow, and catch up on paperwork
- 11:00-11:30: quiet time
- 11:30: go to sleep

Being a working mom is hard! I want you to know that I get it. I know how it feels to get ready while you set your child in front of a movie to keep them busy. I know how it feels to leave your baby with someone who you fear your child loves more than you. I know how it feels to miss milestones that the daycare tells you about. I know how it feels to lose your temper over nothing because you have the weight of work, life, and motherhood crashing down on you all at once and your baby was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know how it feels to have your son stop and ask you why you don't love him anymore and what he did to make you not want to spend time with him as you are walking out the door for work. You feel guilty for wanting to go out with your friends for drinks, but know that would take you away from your son. You feel guilty for putting your baby to bed early just so you can drink a glass of wine and be alone. The guilt is sometimes unimaginable. The guilt is unrelenting... you feel guilty for leaving your baby and then you feel guilty for wanting to leave the job that supports your family to get back to your baby. You feel inadequate to fill all the roles you are supposed to play. You feel tired. You feel.... not enough and too much.

I have felt all of these emotions to my core. I have locked myself in the bathroom to cry. I have called my own mom to hear the validation that I so crave. I have tried talking to my friends, but it's never quite the same because none of them are moms... they don't understand. I have been there!

So hear me now... YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. The God of the universe chose you to be your baby's mom. That is powerful! Before you ever heard your baby's heartbeat, looked into their eyes, heard their sweet breathing, and held their little hand, God chose you. He chose you to be their mom, cheerleader, protector, and provider. He chose you to be the one to raise them into the people He has planned for them to be. He chose you to be all of those things right now.... in the middle of your career and crazy life. He didn't choose for you to be a mom when you are more settled or not trying to climb the ladder. He chose you now. And the good news is that His timing is always perfect! His timing is always better than our own!

You know why you are a working mom? Because that is the mom that God destined you to be. He knew you are strong enough to face all of it. He has a plan that is unlike any other plan He has ever had for another mom. Here is what He has to say about you and His plan for you:

- Isaiah 40:31 
       "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
- Proverbs 30: 28-30
        "Her children arise and call her blessed... but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

- II Corinthians 12:9-10
       " But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
- I Peter 5:7
       "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

I wish I could tell you that things get easier, but I am right in the middle of the storm with you. This is what I can tell you though.... You are loved by the Most High. You have been blessed by Him with the grace and strength to be a mom. This is a blessing that not everyone is trusted with. You are strong. You are so brave. I see you and so do your children. Remember that things will never be perfect and that no one expects them to be! Life is messy and all of our houses are before we rush to clean it when guests are coming over. Take encouragement and joy in the fact that you alone were chosen for this path!